Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Isle of Man gets snow - part 2

Yes, it actually snowed again last weekend for 3 days in a row. No school closures or similar this time but just as much fun for the kids and young at heart.

London without kids!

Mr and Mrs H had a weekend away to London minus enfants at the end of January (thanks Grandma) - the first such trip in more than 5 years!!! The highlight was being able to go to Starbucks and enjoy a coffee in peace and quiet - oh and the Crown Jewels were fab, the London Eye was great and the bus tour was flipping freezing as Mr H insisted we sat upstairs outside (it was actually snowing by this point)!! Mr H also made some new 'friends'!

Christmas 2009's most frustrating present

Yes, thanks to little brother A for the balloon modelling kit he bought for Mrs H for Christmas. Have you looked at the 'translated' instructions???? We made it up as we went along and the results were not quite how they looked on the box!!!!!!